I have quite a number of posts about spending time alone. May it be to eat in restaurants for one, see a movie alone in a movie house or just go around town alone. Now, let's try to take one step up on our DYD or Date Yourself Day.
How about travelling alone? I know it sounds big and scary. Trust me, it took me a while to finally decide on doing it. I have a lot of questions, worries and anxieties. One biggest challenges on travelling alone would be to click on that booking and pack for the trip.
Most of us, would spend hours browsing through Seat Sales, Travel Pins, #wanderlust tags on Instagram and a whole lot more travel related articles. In the end, we just accumulate more places we want to go to on our Bucket List WHILE waiting for someone to join us for the trip.
But why do we need to experience travelling alone?
This is my third favourite F word. Not many get the chance to have this. You plan the places you want to visit without having to compromise with anyone. You get to eat or not eat food that you see along the way. Kind of feels liberating huh?
This is the perfect time to meet new friends along the way. You get to listen to their stories, learn from their experiences and be inspired. Plus, I'm sure that the people you will meet along the way would most likely have the same line of understanding and interest as you do.
Travelling alone would definitely boost your confidence. Uh hello? How do you think you'd be able to know how far the next train station is from your hostel if you will not ask around? Or where you can find the best food the town has (just pretend Google Search is out of the picture, plus locals would be the best people to ask for tips). In line with that, you also get to practice your independence. Remember, you're alone on this trip. You will be away from the normal pace of life back home, unexpected situations will happen. You’ll be eating meals by yourself. You’ll be navigating airports, transportation systems, foreign languages all by yourself. You’ll see and experience things you would not have if you’d stayed home. You get to do everything BY YOURSELF! In fact, as early as planning for your trip, you're already showing your independence and resourcefulness. Ah! Travelling alone will make you the most creative and resourceful person you'll ever be during unexpected situations.
Missed flight? Hot guy beside you on your flight? Running out of cash (I dearly hope and pray this won't happen to me)? Meeting incredible people along the way? Ahhh! Those sweet (and some crazy) stories you can share on and on and on.
So go ahead.. BOOK THAT TRIP and let loose!